Easy Cold and Slow Fermented Pizza Dough
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Fermentation Time: 24 hours
1 kilogram Polselli type "00" flour for pizza
650 grams water at room temperature 3 grams active dry yeast
20 grams Aurora Fine Sea Salt
Add yeast to water and whisk to dissolve.
Place flour and salt into a large bowl. Slowly poor water and yeast solution into the bowl while mixing with a dough whisk or opposite end of a wooden spoon.
(You can use a stand mixer with dough hook attachment) Once all liquid is incorporated, use your hand to gently knead until the dough has formed.Turn dough out onto a lightly floured counter and finish kneading by hand for a 3-5 minutes. You many need to adjust by adding a little flour if the dough is too sticky.
Use a bench scraper or your hands to pull and turn dough into tight smooth ball.Place into a lightly oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Allow dough to rest in a draft free area until doubled in size. 60-90 minutes.
Knock down the dough then turn out onto a counter. Gently knead and cut into 6 even pieces approximately 280 grams. Shape dough into uniform smooth balls.
Place into an air tight container. Cover with lid and place into refrigerator for at least 24 hours up to 72 hours.
Before using, take dough out of refrigerator and let sit at roomtemperature for 2-3 hours.
Stretch dough, top with your favorite ingredients and cook in a wood burning wood oven for best results. Enjoy!
Yield: 6 medium pizza doughs